잡지명 조회 게시판
잡지명 |
해당과 |
제공연도 |
소장사항 |
수록DB명 |
Annals of Surgical Oncology |
외과 |
1999- |
SpringerLink STM Collection |
Annals of Thoracic Surgery |
흉부외과 |
1995- |
2009- |
ScienceDirect Subject Colletction |
Archives of Dermatological Rsearch |
피부과 |
1997- |
SpringerLink STM Collection |
Archives of Dermatology |
피부과 |
1998- |
Archives of Diseases in Childhood |
소아청소년과 |
1996:75(3)-2003:88* |
PML-Proquest Medical Library |
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health |
직업환경의학과 |
1996- |
PML-Proquest Medical Library |
Archives of General Psychiatry |
정신건강의학과 |
1998- |
American Medical Association |
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics |
산부인과 |
1999- |
SpringerLink STM Collection |
Archives of Internal Medicicne |
각과 공통 |
1998- |
American Medical Association |
Archives of Neurology |
신경과 |
1998- |
American Medical Association |
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